Social Media Policy
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Social Media Policy

Pasadena Livestock Show & Rodeo Association Inc.

(Hereinafter named PLS&R)
Social Media Policy


With the rapid growth and application of social media, the way in which people communicate is evolving. Social media includes internet-based and mobile technologies, tools, and content that enable people to connect online or remotely, share information and interests, engage in conversations, and/or create or exchange user-generated content. Reference to social media encompasses current technologies as well as future technologies and usage as it develops.

An employee’s and volunteer’s use of social media within the scope of this policy must be in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and consistent with the existing and future policies of PLS&R.

Authorized Business Use of Social Media:

The Vice President in charge of Communications/PR/Media is responsible for authorizing business use and participation in social media by PLS&R employees and volunteers acting as representatives of or spokespersons for the Association. Approval must be obtained to represent or speak on behalf of the Association in any social media forum or to establish, maintain, or operate and Association-sponsored social media site. Authorized business users must receive appropriate training and follow established standards for social media use as required by the Vice President in charge of Communications/PR/Media.

Employees and volunteers may not create a user name or ID, site name, site address, or email address that can be reasonably associated with the identity of the Association, whether for work related or personal use, without first obtaining approval from the Vice President in charge Communications/PR/Media. (Examples: PLS&R Accountant (ID), Pasadena Livestock Show and Rodeo Blog (blog name); (URL address).

Personal Use of Social Media:

An employee or volunteer should never hide his identity for the purpose of promoting, defending, or otherwise discussing Association-related matters through social media. Please be transparent in your relationship with the Association and identity that you are and employee or volunteer with PLS&R. If you are not an authorized spokesperson for the Association, you must include a disclaimer such as “The views expressed in my posting are my own and don’t necessarily reflect the views of PLS&R.”

Appropriate Conduct in Social Media:
Whether for authorized business or personal use, employees or volunteers using social media within the scope of this policy are expected to use good judgement and post respectful, civil and thoughtful comments even in times of heated discussions and debate. Employee and volunteers must be respectful of other participants in social media, customers, co-workers, and other association-related third parties, and never post comments that harass, threaten, defame, or offend others, or that can be harmful to the Association’s reputation or goodwill. Please remember that postings can be a public and potentially permanent form of communications and may be shared in unforeseen and unintended ways.

Accurate Information:

Employees and volunteers should ensure the Association-related content published in social media is factually accurate and truthful, and is in compliance with all applicable Association policies. Any errors that are discovered are to be corrected immediately.

Confidential and Proprietary Information:

Employees and volunteers are prohibited from disclosing confidential, proprietary, sensitive, and/or intellectual property information of the Association, employees, customers, and other third parties. For example, do not comment on or disclose any information that is confidential, proprietary or otherwise non-public, including, but not limited to, financial or business data, financial forecasts, business plans and strategies, customer information, employee information, and legal matters.

Logos, Copyrights, and Trademarks:

Employees and volunteers may not use or publish PLS&R logos, trademarks or proprietary images or information in social media external to the Association without proper authorization from the Vice President of Communications/PR/Media.

No Expectation of Privacy:

Any social media communications sent, received or stored on PLS&R computer resources are subject to monitoring and employees should have no expectation of privacy as such systems are provided for authorized PLS&R business use. Misuse of company-provided computer resources could result in loss of access privileges or other action, up to and including termination.


Association policies may be terminated or changed by PLS&R at any time, and interpretation of these policies is solely within the discretion of the Association.

Revision History by the PLS&R Board of Directors, Social Media Policy adopted July 9, 2018.
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